I was born 24.03.1954 in Lodz (Poland). After having frequented the university of Lodz, I have received the degree of the Polish philology (literature and linguistic sciences) in 1981. In 1986 I have taken an examination to the Ministry of Culture and Art, which gave me license of professional singer.
From 1978 I continue the musical activity, playing various instruments, singing and composing. I play the guitar, electric bass, sitar (Indian lute), bamboo flutes, bouzouki (Greek lute), Asian and African lutes, African and Arabian drums & percussion and others. As singer I have won the first prize of the festival "Sing We the Poetry" (Olsztyn, Poland 1983). I have composed the music for different theatrical passages and I have recorded numerous musical albums with my compositions that have been produced in Poland, Italy, Hungary and USA.
I lived since 1993 until 2014 in Italy. I collaborated there with a well-known music therapist, professor Renzo Luca Carrozzini. My music has been added to his book, entitled "Manuale di Musicoterapia Immaginativa".
I founded in 1983 the Polish musical group "Orientacja na Orient" and in 1994 the Italian band "The Lucyan Group". I founded in 2009 the Polish musical band “The Lucyan Group” which continues activity if my Italian group, named equally. The Polish group recorded a CD, entitled “Orient-jazz”.
I play in the Italian group "Shakti Vilas", which performs the Indian spiritual songs "bhajan" and which has recorded two CDs (published in Italy, Austria and Hungary). The second one -“Bhajans” – has won the first prize in a big American competition JUST PLAIN FOLKS AWARDS in the category of Indian Classical and Traditional music. It was selected from about 35.000 CDs which have arrived from over 70 countries.
I am interested in Eastern spirituality since my studies. I spent over a year in yoga and Buddhist centres in India, Italy, Germany and Poland. I run personal development workshops, I write articles on spiritual, musical and social topics. The "Miniatura" publishing house in Poland has published 2 my books.